Finding your role, your purpose in GOD'S plan , starts with finding JESUS in your life, and following HIM along the journey.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
What we are about at Purpose Church
As the pastor of Purpose Church i don't want to make your ear itch, i don't want to just feed you. i don't want to just take care of "church business", within the 4 walls ( when that happens we turn in to "just us", not worshiping Jesus ), and i certainly don't want you to find a place to be comfortable...nope. i want none of that. This is want i Do want. I want you to fall so in love with Jesus that you weep bitterly everytime you stray, and cry Joyfully when you repent and are reunited with HIM again. I want you to anticipate the days, hours, minutes, seconds you have to sit at HIS feet and grow. I want you to experience Joy...not just happiness because it is fleeting; to not only know the difference but to Know where Joy comes from. I want you to expect that there will be trouble in this life, but to also take confidence in the fact that as long as you are walking with Jesus you will make it through. I want you to relish the privilege of worshiping Jesus and making your lives an offering to Him. I want you to see your hearts as gifts that you offer to HIM...and Finally i want you to learn these things and then (while you are learning), share it with everyone you know. I want Jesus to no longer be a secret, but rather the Savior to all who accept Him. That where we the Church comes in..,We are the hands and feet...GOD has given us His message...we must 1st hear it , 2nd accept it, 3rd Live it, 4th Share it. Jesus calls us to be His disciples, and then to disciple. See it both your identity, and your Purpose. This is what Purpose Church is about. If you agree i would live to talk with you. Be Blessed #givetheGospellegs
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Men's Devotional Day 2
A Kingdom Man Aims for the Goal
Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.
—John Wooden, Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court
My son Jonathan is a big guy who has played in the NFL. When he was young and five-foot-three, he asked me to come to the gym and watch him dunk the basketball. He had been practicing for months. Jonathan dribbled and dunked. I offered abbreviated congratulations. Then I turned to the athletic director and pointedly told him to raise the basket back up to where it belonged. Impatient to grow taller, Jonathan had lowered the goal.
Men, God has a standard. He has a goal. His kingdom is that goal. Yet so many have lowered His standard only to congratulate themselves for being able to dunk the ball. The results of this lowered standard, though, affect us all. It shows up in our country. In our culture. In the economics of our world. It takes only a cursory glance around our homes, churches, communities, and globe to uncover that many men have missed the goal to live as kingdom men.
That must change.
The apostle Paul said, “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win” (1 Corinthians 9:24).
We must run to win. We must raise the standard to where God originally placed it. We must define manhood as God intended it to be.
In what areas of your life have you lowered the goal?
Are there any pursuits or possessions that have distracted you from the standard of God’s kingdom?
What scripture can serve as your reminder to pursue God’s kingdom today?
God, today I commit to pursue Your goal, Your standard, Your kingdom. Refocus my vision and strengthen my determination. Amen.
Remember gentlemen we want to be finished with at least the 1st 2 chapters of your book by our next meeting , which is a week from Saturday.
Here are my reflections from yesterday's devotional:
Who is your favorite movie character? What about him inspires you? Captain James T. Kirk He was a man of action, and although he didn't always get it right...he made a difference. He made waves.
How would your current life play out on the big screen? Hmmm well i believe it would be a combination of several types of movies. Comedy, action, overcoming odds, and recently being a sellout...A total sellout for GOD.
What treasure will you fight for today? How? My family, and those who need someone to fight for them... Now the second part of this is different for me...I no longer rely on what i come up my friends...i let GOD direct my actions...and i pray He does the same to my tongue. Words are so important...and although they can be regretted they are never able to be taken back. Guide my steps Lord, and continue to unveil Your plan. In Your name i pray Jesus ...Amen.
Please feel free if you are lead, to share you devotional thoughts. Be Blessed
Monday, June 9, 2014
Men's Devotional Day 1
A Kingdom Man Seeks Priceless Treasure
The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field . . .
—Jesus (Matthew 13:44)
One of my favorite Indiana Jones movies is about the search for the Holy Grail. In the movie’s climactic moment, the famed archaeologist is in the Grail chamber with an ancient guardian knight. Indy stands in the candlelit room, looking at the shelves filled with dozens of cups and chalices. One of the goblets is the legendary Holy Grail, the cup of Christ said to possess ultimate power. Jones must select the right one or he and his father will die.
“You must choose, but choose wisely,” says the guardian knight. “For while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.”
Even if you’ve never seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, you know what happens: Indy always uncovers the treasure.
Men, you have a choice. Jesus speaks of a treasure: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field,” He said (Matthew 13:44). It’s a treasure for which absolutely nothing should stand in the way. In eschatological terms, the kingdom refers to the millennial reign of Christ when He will return to run earth from Jerusalem for His thousand-year reign. Yet in the here and now, the kingdom has also been set up for us through kingdom principles, covenants, responsibilities, privileges, rights, rules, ethics, coverings, and authority. This is a priceless treasure, one worth everything you have. Choose wisely.
Who is your favorite movie character? What about him inspires you?
How would your current life play out on the big screen?
What treasure will you fight for today? How?
God, give me a vision of Your kingdom and the strength to pursue it like a treasure hunter. Amen.
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