GOD couldn't take the time to bless us today because
we couldn't take the time to thank Him yesterday?
What if,
GOD decided to stop leading us tomorrow because
we didn't follow Him today?
What if,
we never saw another flower bloom because
we grumbled when GOD sent the rain?
What if,
GOD didn't walk with us today because
we failed to recognize it as His day?
What if,
GOD took away the Bible tomorrow because
we would not read it today?
What if,
GOD took away His message because
we failed to listen to the messenger?
What if,
GOD didn't send His only begotten Son because
He wanted us to be prepared to pay the price for sin.
What if,
the door of the church was closed because
we did not open the door of our heart?
What if,
GOD stopped loving and caring for us because
we failed to love and care for others?
What if,
GOD would not hear us today because
we would not listen to Him yesterday?
What if,
GOD answered our prayers the way
we answer His call to service?
What if,
GOD met our needs the way
we give Him our lives???
What if,
We fail to share this message.... ???
Heaven and Hell
A man spoke with the Lord about heaven and hell. The Lord said to the man "come, I
will show you hell". They entered a room where a group of famished people sat around
a huge pot of cooking stew. Everyone in the room was starving and desperate. Each person
held a spoon that reached the pot but each spoon had a handle so much longer than their
own arms that it could not be used to get the stew into their own mouths. The suffering
was terrible. "Come now, I will show you heaven" the Lord said.
They entered another room identical to the first, the big pot of stew, the group of
people and the same long-handled spoons. But here everyone was happy and well nourished.
"I don't understand" said the man. "Why is everyone happy here and
miserable in the other room? Everything is the same."
"Here," said the Lord "they have learned to feed each other"
A man spoke with the Lord about heaven and hell. The Lord said to the man "come, I
will show you hell". They entered a room where a group of famished people sat around
a huge pot of cooking stew. Everyone in the room was starving and desperate. Each person
held a spoon that reached the pot but each spoon had a handle so much longer than their
own arms that it could not be used to get the stew into their own mouths. The suffering
was terrible. "Come now, I will show you heaven" the Lord said.
They entered another room identical to the first, the big pot of stew, the group of
people and the same long-handled spoons. But here everyone was happy and well nourished.
"I don't understand" said the man. "Why is everyone happy here and
miserable in the other room? Everything is the same."
"Here," said the Lord "they have learned to feed each other"
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