If you rely on your own strength mostly. Only partially communicating with Jesus you may survive. You may think you are thriving...you will never reach the heights GOD planned for you. Like the CROW you will exist on the stuff of the earth that is left behind and forsaken. Eventually you will hate life and only seek things of death.. You will not have eternal life with the LORD. You see you never accepted him
If you reject GOD and all he has for you. If you refuse to believe, submit...humble yourself before his glory, reject his gift of eternal life...You are like the CHICKEN. Doomed from the start, weather it is fried...boiled...smothered...baked...grilled...IT DOESN'T MATTER...YOU WILL BURN.
Please don't be chicken...Let GOD save you and love you. BE Blessed
"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven." Matthew 18:19
The words of Jesus in Matthew 18:19 are to be taken literally. When any two agree in prayer, God will answer. If Two Agree shows this principle being put into action. As the couple agrees in prayer, the angel behind them rends the sky making way for God’s blessing into their
The words of Jesus in Matthew 18:19 are to be taken literally. When any two agree in prayer, God will answer. If Two Agree shows this principle being put into action. As the couple agrees in prayer, the angel behind them rends the sky making way for God’s blessing into their
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