Monday, December 10, 2012

Jesus...Lover of my soul.

Jesus...Lover of my soul
See the people hiding in the house? That’s us. The folks ducking behind the stairwell? That’s you and me. We’re avoiding the bill collectors. This is the eve of eviction. The bank has given us one day to pay the mortgage. Credit-card agents are camped on the front lawn. Loan sharks have our number on speed dial. But we are broke. We’ve peddled our last food stamp. The wate

r is disconnected, the car repossessed, the furniture picked up, and now the IRS agent is knocking on the door. He wants back taxes. “I know you are in there. Open up!”
So we do. He tells us how much we owe; we remind him that turnips give no blood. He mentions jail, and at this point a warm bed out of the reach of creditors doesn’t sound half bad.
Just as he motions for the sheriff, his cell phone rings. It’s Washington. The president wants a word with us, an explanation from us. We have none. No defense. Only a plea for patience. He listens in silence and asks to speak with the agent again. As the president speaks, the suit nods and says, “Yessir … Yessir … Yessir.” He closes his phone and looks first at you and then at me. “I don’t know who you know, but your debt is paid,” he says, tearing up the papers and letting the pieces fall.
Maybe you didn’t know God did that for us.
Never forget of take for granted the gift of GOD'S love and patience. Make it a point to practice love and patience with others daily.

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