Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Read John 19:26-27. Additional Scriptures
James 4:7-10.   John 15:9-17

The relationship God wants to have with you is not based on anything He needs from you. It is based entirely on what you need from Him.

It's easy to establish and prioritize relationships based on what has been or can be done for us. The value we place on relationships is often contingent on what we think other people will contribute to the relationship.

That's what's so amazing about our relationship with God. In our sin and imperfection, it's difficult to say we provide much that could impress an already-perfect God.

The good news is, God doesn't measure His relationship with us based on what we have done or can do for Him. If we receive His grace, He has already accepted, forgiven, and saved us. Nothing can take away His love or relationship.

We see this at the cross, as Jesus hung before a tortuous, merciless crowd of hecklers. He was abandoned by nearly everyone that had once fellowshipped with Him. Though His love never left them, His people left Him.

Yet as Jesus looked down from the cross, He saw two familiar faces standing amongst the crowd-His mother, Mary, and His disciple, John. Upon seeing them, Jesus issued His final words to them.

When Jesus said, "Here is your son … Here is your mother," He showed His passion for relationship, particularly the kind He desires with His people: close, caring, intimate.

Many people hide from these type of tight-knit relationships because they may fear, "If people really knew me, they'd never accept me." But God really knows you, and He has already accepted you.

The relationship God wants to have with you is not based on anything God needs from you. It is based entirely on what you need from Him.

Jesus knew His mother needed someone to watch over her, protect her, and care for her. When He looked down and saw how close she had drawn to Him, even as He died a horrific death on the cross, Jesus took the time to make sure she would never be alone.

Jesus knows the state of your heart today. He knows if you are trying to push through any pain or insecurity. He knows if you feel like everyone else has left you. He knows exactly what you need, and He is with you, desiring to be in close, caring, intimate relationship with you.

Embrace the unconditional love Jesus wants to show you today.

In your every thought, every word, and every action, you are loved. Stay close to God, and He will stay close to you.


Jesus, thank you for acknowledging our need for care and relationship in your final moments on the cross. Thank you for always looking upon me with love and favor, no matter what my sins deserve. Give me the perspective to prioritize my relationship with you today, and guide me as I learn how to follow you. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Jesus died not to scowl at us for the price our sin forced Him to pay, but to smile at us in the joy of His eternal relationship with us. As you read Jesus' words and instructions today, imagine Him speaking to you with a smile on His face. How does this change the way you receive the relationship Jesus wants to have with you? Shift your perspective to see He delights in you.


Jesus just doesn't want to notice you from across a crowded room...HE wants to walk in with you...Be Blessed

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