Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Lesson in Digestion...

The old saying goes, you are what you eat.We know that the body has an efficient system for breaking down what we put into it.The food goes in, the nutrients are extracted and what is not useful is converted into waste.The effectiveness of this process is either enhanced or inhibited by the care we put into the body, the amount of nutrients over waste can positively affect how well it serves us. Well you might at this point say,:Adam i know all of this what is the point… The point is this, You are not just a body, you are spirit as well. You are fire ignited from the heart of your creator. Like your body your spirit i has a digestive process as well. The spirit takes in , just as the body does, however the process is not as efficient. You see the spirit is a lot less discerning to the subtleties of “nourishment.” The spirit absorbs all, good and ill. The more good you expose your spirit to, the stronger it will grow and that strength has the ability to gravitate towards God. You spirit longs for the things of God. Its designed that way. Now, when you nourish your spirit with the things of God it changes your mindset on what you allow into it.Conversely when you allow things that are not of God into your spirit, it diminishes it, and thus weakens its ability to move towards God. I believe all of us have been there. The world seems fun, carefree, “right.” After a while however it isn’t so much fun anymore as it is a habit. We do things because we have become accustom to routines. There is little growth while at the same time our problems seem to increase. To escape these problems we usually engage in malnourishment of the spirit even more. “Some joy is better than none right…?” The problem with this approach is that we in trying to “feel” better are in fact killing, diminishing, extinguishing our fire for God…our spirit.Satan uses this as a powerful weapon, little “harmless” things that little by little ebb away from the flow that God intends for our lives. Let us be real, we know right from wrong, we know when God is not present in a place and function or activity, and we know when the company we keep is not spirit enhancing…God made a very precise creation in our spirit, we either keep it sharp or dull it with our decisions. Too long ago a very wise man once said, :”Good decisions have good consequences and bad decisions have bad consequences.” That goes way beyond the earthly ramifications of our actions, they have great eternal significance as well…think about it.You indeed can become what you eat. There are ways to nourish your spirit…talk to someone you respect about God, visit a church, or if you feel malnourished at your church don’t let tradition and laziness keep you from visiting another. Here is a great way to sharpen your spirit…Use the ultimate sword,(of the spirit), Its called the BIBLE. Find a version you can understand and read, fortify yourself. This is truly spiritual warfare…you’ve got to arm yourself and this war will have an eternal outcome. Luckily we have the ultimate general, the ultimate do over, the ultimate bailout…his name is JESUS. Forgiveness, acceptance, love is there when we are truly ready to be forgiven, accepted, and loved and start anew. Jesus never leaves us…we leave him…Its time to come home to a good meal, i’m talking about real Soul food. Immerse yourself and come back renewed in body and spirit…

Be Blessed

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